Design News
Reverse DNS Lookup
Ever wondered what other sites are being hosted on your site's ip address? This tool can tell you.
The design of
Khoi Vinh, design director of the, speaks at Villa Julie College
Cheatsheet: Regular Expressions
Great one for quick reference. Take a printout or save this jpg in your desktop.
Top 10 Adsense Tips
The top 10 Adsense Tips For Maximum Click-Through Rates using Google AdSense.
Photoshop Pop Art Tutorial
Turn your photos into Lichtenstein inspired pop art. This photoshop tutorial will also show you how to create great-looking half tone shading!
Finding Fresh Inspiration
Look at web design these days: Gradients, bursts, big type, rounded corners, pastel colors, and reflections rule the roost. This slavish adherence to Web 2.0 design trends is resulting in a big snoozefest.
CSS Trick: Using Fewer Images
Image rollovers are usually composed of two individual images; one for the default state and one for when the mouse is hovered over the image or link. However, it bears some advantages to use a single image by taking advantage of CSS image offsets.